Tuesday 21 May 2013

Virtual learning, YAY or NAY?

Have you guys ever tried to learn something from the internet? I know I have! In case if there are still few people out there who lives like a frog under a shell, let me tell you all the good things you can get from using the internet as your learning medium. Basically, there are many tutorials on how to do just about everything, from handling a machine to repair that broken fan, how to lose weight in 1 week, to cooking something special for your love one. Just name it, and the internet usually has it!

Example of baking tutorial from Youtube

Example of workout tutorial in Youtube

 However there are also tutorials on something that people can manipulate and use for their bad interests such as tutorial on how to unlock a car without using any key. Car thieves alert! There are always pros and cons of everything, right? Well, maybe the person that made the tutorial intended to help car owners who accidentally left their car keys inside their locked cars (especially those who lock their cars manually using hand).  

 This happened to me once and I had to call mechanic in order for me to get my car keys back!............and I had to pay that mechanic too! But, if you can do it yourself, then you can look like a pro while unlocking your car, use that money you paid to the mechanic for another cha time with friends and most importantly, safe yourself from that terrifying face you make when you are nervous. Oh well, one embarrassing moment, no more!  

 Anyway, let’s talk about something that I really learned from the internet. Actually, there are just too many! For example, I've always like arts since I was a little kid. But I never had proper class for it because it was just too hard to find a good place that do not just teach you ART101 especially if you are 18 years old and below. Or maybe it was difficult for me because I went to boarding school where the rules are pretty tight about attending class outside of the school area. 

 To cut everything short, i had put my interest away a long time ago because the older I get, the busier I am. But looking at other artistes' works in the internet especially when I became an active user of Instagram software earlier this year, gave me such a rush to try out whether I can do the same. Instagram inspire me to start sketching again and video tutorials in Youtube gave me ideas on how to start with the sketching. What type of pencil should be used, how to highlight, shading and so much more.


 Example of artiste page available in Instagram


Play this Youtube video of amazing hair sketching technique!

  For me, the other most important thing that I benefit from watching these kinds of videos is the materials that I should use for my drawing because there are just too many brands and type of art materials. Finding the perfect materials allow better application, effect and such. I wouldn't want to spend so much money on buying every brand just to try and figure out which one is the most suitable. Basically, Youtube helps me to save money too! 

These are few sketches that I made, inspired by many incredible artistes on the internet.

 To those who read this article, think again if there is anything that you would like to learn but never get the chance too? It is never too late! I know this sounds cliché, but technology has really made it possible for us to learn about what we’ve dreamed of without having to spend any money. What about your new year’s resolution about eating healthy and to get rid of that extra kgs? There are many tutorials on how to achieve that just one click away!

I say YAY to virtual learning, what say you? <3

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