Monday 20 May 2013


 I came across this one news article from in 2005 entitled “Letting Computers Pick Your Jeans Size” and I kept on praying ever since!

 The computer or machine called Itellifit was actually said to be used as a scanner in order to suggest sizes and style of Levis jean suitable for that particular person. I mean, come on…. name me one girl that does not have problem in find that perfect pair of Levis jean?!

Example of Intellifit scanner 
-Picture credit to Google Search

 It is never a shock when a girl spends 1-2 hours at Levis store just to buy that one pair. Do not forget that we girls have different curve, making it almost impossible for us to choose one from that whole range of Levis style without trying them one by one. And most of the time, because we've tried toooo many, we end up being so confuse and not refuse to buy anything. I know because I've experienced the same thing! 

 However, this news article gave us girls hope as Levis tried to install that machine in one Levis store to another in order to see respond of customers and how accurate or helpful the machine could be. The respond towards that campaign was not that great as the machine only helped to narrow the search to few sizes close to the customers' So, Levis stopped the campaign, and everything went back to square one.

 That was just so frustrating for me! The writer really knew how to attract people on reading his article by giving false hope on the title. But i still gave him credit for letting all the consumers know that there were possibility for this kind of machine to be successful one day!


Different sizes of women
- Picture credit to

 Few years went by, and on 2011 another company called MyBestFit shocked the whole fashion industry in an article dated May 11 from, as it came out with similar machine as Intellifit and the new scanner proved to be accurate. The company cater their service for all customers without charging any cent for them to use the service.The machine does not just measure for jean size, but it could also recommend what size of clothes suitable and also the brand.

Location of MyBestFit
-Picture credit to Google Search
 How amazing is this? The machines are now available in few malls, in order to give better service to customers. Situated in the main lobby, this phone booth look alike machine is able to scan a person at 200 points, in order to really understand one's figure size. Well, maybe when you look at the see through design of the machine, you'll be like,

"That's just going to be embarrassing! Letting everyone know what size you're in? NOOO!!!"

 The machine actually will not announce your size to everyone out there, but will only print some kind of a receipt, with few list of garments suitable for that particular person. So why not try it out right? So far, the trial made to few people with different figure sizes had proven green light for all us to be excited with!

Picture credit to

Go to this above link in order to see review about this machine from!


Play this Youtube video below to see how the machine really works!


 Of course inventions like this always start in Western countries first before coming into our country. But i just can't wait to try it out someday! If technology can do this now, i am so excited for many years to come. Perhaps one day we can choose what style of clothes we want and the machine can automatically make it for us in just few seconds? 

We sure can hope! <3

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