Tuesday 21 May 2013

Hatsune Miku vs Tupac Shakur hologram concert...

 Technology sure has no limit. We have evolved from pumping water from well, to ready-to-use water from pipe in every house! Using technology, for as long as there is an idea, it could possibly achieve. Remember when virtual singer from Japan made such a huge headline? Well, it was such a bizarre news because the virtual singer is some kind of an anime character with high pitched range of voice and there are real people out there who really into this and became the fans. I am talking about fans that not just among children who obviously still enjoy watching cartoon and attraction towards this virtual singer are expected, but adults also get influenced by it.

Hatsune Miku during concert, 
picture credit to Google search

Hatsune Miku during concert, 
picture credit to Google search

 The most popular virtual singer in japan is named Hatsune Miku and she appeared in billboard, tv commercial, as well as sold out concerts! She isn’t the first virtually singer, but she must be the most famous one that everyone all over the world been talking about. The concerts are using hologram technology to create realistic virtual singer with real music band playing along throughout the whole concert for real audiences. If you have no clue about what I am talking about, visit this link below to have the experience.

 However, I am more fascinated with a Hollywood creation of Tupac Shakur’s hologram for a concert in Coachella. As we all know, the very famous rapper was shot in 1996 and the unsolved murder case is still a big mystery. During that music festival, Tupac was brought up to life and surprised the crowd with its appearance. Why I feel like this is way better than that virtual singer from Japan is because, that hologram of Tupac was too realistic that I don’t even have to be there, but I still got chills when I watched it in Youtube. The movement of that hologram, detailed tattoo on his body, and how it spoke as if Tupac was really there at that time, that is too creepy in a good way.

Tupac Shakur,
picture credit to Google search

 Especially because I was brought up in a family of 2 brothers who listened to hip hop music during their younger years, the impact of knowing Tupac’s murder case, yet watching him singing during that concert was beyond normal! To me, the virtual singer will always look like a walking cartoon even though how good the hologram during each concert is. Both Hatsune Miku and Tupac sang with a duet partner during concert and the difference only that Miku sang with another anime character, but Tupac sang with fellow living rappers such as Snoop Dog and Dr Dre. Which is again amazed me because their interactions with each other were very natural!

Play this Youtube video below to watch few minutes clip from that concert I was talking about.

 Excuse the harsh language used in the video, but do you guys understand what I really meant now? It is frustrating how good the technology is in other countries! Like I said before, as long as there is an idea, technology could make it work. Japan virtual singer might fell into second place in my heart when comparing it with Tupac, but at the same time if I ever go to Japan, I would definitely buy that concert ticket to watch Hatsune Miku in action. Afterall, both display an incredible usage of technology and once in a lifetime experience for me!

Real Good Entertainment!!!

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